Experimental Setup and Study of Solar Operated Chaff Cutter
Yasar Y. Khatik, Milind S. Jagadale, Omkar Dandge, Kiran Hambirrao, Sachin R. Gavali, Avinash K. Parkhe, Kuldip S. Pukale
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 3: Issue 1, June 2022, pp 7-10
Author's Information
Yasar Y. Khatik1
Corresponding Author
1U.G Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur, India
Milind S. Jagadale1, Omkar Dandge1, Kiran Hambirrao1
1U.G Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur, India
Sachin R. Gavali2, Avinash K. Parkhe2, Kuldip S. Pukale2
2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur, India
Solar energy is a renewable energy. Earth continuously intercepts solar power of about 1.78 x 1011 MW. By using solar energy converging devices solar energy may be converted into other form of energy. Use of solar energy in agricultural field is essential now-a-days. Solar photovoltaic system converts solar energy directly into electrical energy using solar photovoltaic cell [3]. Increasing wind velocity improved the power generated by solar panel [6]. The main aim of this paper is experimental study and testing of solar operated chaff cutter. A solar operated agricultural chaff cutter uses solar panel to absorb the spectrum of solar energy is quite wide and its intensity and that energy converted into electric energy via solar PV system. Experimental model of solar operated chaff cutter is taken into consideration in this investigation. In this paper we also considered losses in solar panel, angle of solar panel with horizontal, performance of cutter.Index Terms:
Solar Energy, Agriculture, Chaff cutter, Photovoltaic, Spectrum.REFERENCES
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