Natural Bamboo Fibre Composites, their properties and its Applications - A Review
Roopesh Kumar, B Laxshaman Rao, Dr Abhijeet Ganguly, Dr. Rajesh Purohit
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 3: Issue 1, June 2022, pp 1-6
Author's Information
Roopesh Kumar1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, CSIT Durg, India
B Laxshaman Rao2
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, CSIT Durg, India
Dr Abhijeet Ganguly3
3Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CSIT Durg, India
Dr. Rajesh Purohit4
4Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MANIT Bhopal
In the present situation, there has been a fast consideration in innovative work in the Bamboo fibre composite field because of its better formability, copious, sustainable, financially etc. Bamboo fibre is a natural fibre that is easily degraded by microbes and potentially becomes an alternative fibre in the future due to its availability, which is abundantly cheap, and grows throughout the year and also isn’t affected by the season The application of bamboo fibre is a solution for environmental issues and a business prospect of synthetic fibres that are expected to decrease in line with petroleum. With this work, various values of bamboo have been considered as the basis, mechanical and chemical properties have been given the with major focus. On the basis of these values and qualities, the characteristic and utility of bamboo have been told. The symptoms of use of bamboo have been considered.Index Terms:
bamboo fibre, composite, mechanical strength, composite fabrication, synthetic fibre.REFERENCES
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