Blending of Kiwi Guava Mint for preparation of Cordial
Samarth D. Patil
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 2, December 2021, pp 31-35
Author's Information
Samarth D. Patil1
Corresponding Author
1Jamia Hamdard, M. Tech. Research Scholar, Department of Food Technology, Delhi, India
Cordial is a sort of non-alcoholic drink that contains 25% fruit juice or pulp and has a TSS of 40-50%. It also contains 1% acid and 350ppm sulphur dioxide or 600ppm sodium benzoate, which are required for preservation. It is a form of crush that is diluted with water before being served. Kiwi and guava are high in nutrients and have numerous health advantages. Following the preparation, organoleptic examination was performed to determine acceptability.Index Terms:
Kiwifruit, Handrefractometer, Sensory analysis, formulation, bioactive Compounds, pasteurization, protocol, hedonic scale.REFERENCES
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