Design and Implementation Strategies of 5S in Industry
Nilesh C Kanojiya
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2021, pp 8-12
Author's Information
Nilesh C Kanojiya1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur-440016, Maharashtra, India and
The quality and cost of an item are basic parameters which draw in the customers. It is hard to accomplish the ideal quality at the modest creation cost. Subsequently it is important to utilize subjective strategies underway procedures and decrease pointless expenses simultaneously. 5S procedure parameters straightforwardly impact the quality and cost of an item. 5S is a way of thinking and a method for arranging and dealing with the workspace and work process. 5S is essentially 5 Japanese terms, with S as introductory: Seiri (Short), Seiton (Set), Seiso (Shine), Seiketsu (Standardize), Sitsuke (Sustain). It's a fundamental establishment of Lean Manufacturing. This paper depends on the systems and strategies utilized for execution of 5S of a manufacture industry. By studying the effects of 5S on the industry, increased productivity, reduced time, reduced cost, increased space, increased moral of workers was observed. Thus, the review confirms the efficiency of 5S methodologies to identify eliminate problems in an industry. From the design of old and new layout of industry clear that there is an urgent need of 5S implementation in C B industry Nagpur plant for the betterment of good working atmosphere as per as industry and workers point of view.Index Terms:
5S, Workplace Management, Waste Management, Quality Improvement, Productivity, Design.REFERENCES
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