Influence of abrasive particles on Surface hardness of free cutting brass in ball burnishing process
Pavana Kumara, Acharya Shishir, Cedric Mathias, Akash P Patil, Kishora Kumara
Volume 2: Issue 1, January 2021, pp 8-12
Author's Information
Pavana Kumara1
Corresponding Author
1Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Dept., of ME, Udupi, India.
Acharya Shishir, Cedric Mathias, Akash P Patil, Kishora Kumara
2Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Dept., of ME, Udupi, India.
Ball burnishing process is a cold working-based finishing process believed to have more advantages than other conventionally applied finishing techniques. The plastic deformation action during burnishing process increases hardness of burnished surfaces. Turned free cutting brass surfaces were ball burnished in presence of differently sized abrasive particles at various burnishing forces. The effect of abrasive particles size and varying burnishing forces were studied. It was found that the turned surface hardness was improved by 18.67, 17.33, 16% in dry, fine particle used ball burnishing and medium abrasive particles used ball burnishing process respectively.Index Terms:
Turning, ball burnishing, abrasive particles, plastic deformation, hardness term.REFERENCES
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