Examining the environmental facilities on residents’ gratification in government estates - A Case Study of Borno State, Nigeria

Obed John Dagwa
Volume 2: Issue 1, January 2021, pp 1-7

Author's Information
Obed John Dagwa1 
Corresponding Author
1Consultant, Ministry of Environment, Borno State, Nigeria.

Technical Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 21 Jan 2021

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Obed John Dagwa, “Examining the environmental facilities on residents’ gratification in government estates - A Case Study of Borno State, Nigeria ”, Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering, RAME Publishers, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 1-7, January 2021.

Abstract:- Globally, housing deficit has been a major concern to humanity. The United Nations Development program have been working closely with government sectors to enhance access to adequate housing, especially to the most vulnerable communities affected in natural disasters or being caught in armed conflict. It is evident that most housing units owned by government is do not meet the gratification of the occupants. This research is conducted and inspired following multiple cases of reports and global issues. Thus, it was decided to examine the government estates housing scheme developers’ commitment to design and construct estates in environments with proper modern facilities. This research aims to assess the gratification level conveyed by the residents of government owned houses in Borno State, Nigeria, in the anticipation that the final output would enhance proper decision making in designing housing projects. The results of the test hypothesis demonstrate that environmental installations have a significant impact on the gratification of residents. Spearman Rho's analysis model showed a correlation coefficient value of 0.085 with a probability of significance of 0.023. This implies that there is a weak relationship between the environment and the satisfaction of residents. The probability points of relevance of 0.023 also shows that it is important. This research has shown that these environmental variables are the method of waste disposal, the state of roads within the farm, the health of the land and the availability of desert trees. In this research document, the laxities that lead to unpleasant behavior are annihilated, integrating the subjective evaluations of residents with the objectives and criteria of developers. The gratification of residents in state properties in the research area and future government housing projects can be strengthened by providing environmental facilities which also work well in government housing properties.
Index Terms:-
Environment, Estates, Facilities, Government Estate, Residents Gratification.
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