Design and implementation of torch rotary welding SPM

Kadu Swapnil Vishnu and P. J. Ambhore
Volume 1: Issue 1, August 2020, pp 49-53

Author's Information
Kadu Swapnil Vishnu1 
Corresponding Author
1Student, M.Tech. Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing Engineering, G. H. Raiosni College of Engineering & Managment, Wagholi, Pune,India.

P. J. Ambhore2
2Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering & Managment, Wagholi, Pune, India.

Research Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 20 Aug 2020

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Kadu Swapnil Vishnu and P. J. Ambhore, ““Design and implementation of torch rotary welding SPM ”, Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering, RAME Publishers, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 49-53, August 2020.

In addition to the rational technological process, robots in industrial welding operations are commonly used. Problem with robots still in their early design and difficult for regular operators to use and program; the welding process is complicated and not very well known, and human-machine interfaces are not natural and do not work properly. Welding is an association or manufacturing process which connects materials, mostly metals or thermoplastics, through the fusion of basic metal with filler material. Gas metal arc welding is used to design the automatic Torch Rotary soldering machine. Automation plays a role in saving costs and maximizing the system productivity. Automatic flash welding process has been used. In our work, we must weld in an automotive component two circular welding points. Manual welding leads to greater manpower, low productivity and low welding quality, etc. All above problems are removed by automatic welding and the system itself is improved by manual welding. Torch Rotary Machine is used for the welding of the muffler using the GMAW process with the help of torch. A fixture is provided on the machine for this operation. Welding torch rotates around the pipe and flange during welding.
Index Terms:-
GMAW, Robots, Automatic welding system, Sensors.
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