Computer aided design and manufacturing of low-cost profile cutting tool for cylindrical pipes
Rachayya R. Arakerimath
Volume 1: Issue 1, August 2020, pp 45-48
Author's Information
Rachayya R. Arakerimath1
Corresponding Author
1Professor, Dept of Mechanical, G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering and Mgmt., Pune India.
The Profile cutting is an in-depth process that takes out piece of chips and transforms it into a particular shape/profile. Cutting is typically carried out on a lathe table using a designed profile tool that is suitable for the product. Profile tool types vary as there are a number of different kinds of shapes may be available in various thickness and grades, so not all can be cut the same way from intricate designs to heavy bulk orders in profile cutting. In this paper we designed and manufactured a profile cutting tool for cylindrical pipe as per our design and shape and tested on Lathe machine. Initially it is modelled by CATIA as per dimensions. The manufactured tool is used for profile cutting of various pipes. It is found that profile cut is very cost effective with less time and accuracy.Index Terms:-
Profile Cutting. CAD. CATIA. Tool design.REFERENCES
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