The Investigation of Knowledge Management Tools in the Success of the Strategic Choice
Hashim Jabbar Majeed, Fryal Jassim Abd Al-Razaq
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 5: issue2, July-December 2024, pp 41-50
Author's Information
Hashim Jabbar Majeed1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Materials Management Techniques, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Kufa-Iraq.
Fryal Jassim Abd Al-Razaq2
2Software Department, Information Technology-IT Babylon University, Iraq.
The utilization of knowledge management tools addresses an inward strength for each bank through which it can accomplish successful strategic choice, and This study aims to verify the existence of a relationship between (KM tools) and the success of the strategic choice in a group of three banks of a special nature, by answering the main research problem and whether there is a correlation with the knowledge management tool (Databases, communication tools, collaboration tools) with The success of the strategic choice , and to answer these questions, a number of The hypotheses were formulated, assumed the existence of a correlation and influence between the study variables, but at an unknown level of significance until the study was completed, and To achieve the practical purpose of the study, a sample was taken from Three private Iraqi banks were chosen to form the study sample in this case. The study sample included (175) employees representing all executive and middle management positions in these three banks. results analysis using various statistical methods, such as finding the arithmetic mean and standard deviation, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the study concluded a set of conclusions regarding the challenges that banks may face in expanding to use of KM tools in the future, relying on adopting and supporting their directions using their strategic options that can maintain their current position within the banking sector. The expansion required later to face the possibilities of competition in the expansion of the banking industry, which is expected in light of the factor of banking investment from outside the country. expansion required later to face the possibilities of competition in the expansion of the banking industry, which is expected in light of the factor of banking investment from outside the country.Index Terms:
Knowledge Management (KM) Tools, Strategic Choice, Banking Sector, Private BanksREFERENCES
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