Empowering Brands: The Art of Persuasive Marketing and Building Unshakable Consumer trust
Baqer Khudair Al-Hadrawi, Qasim Obaid Nasser, Sheref Betabo Gogsido
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 5: Issue 1, Jan-June 2024, pp 26-37
Author's Information
Baqer Khudair Al-Hadrawi1
Corresponding Author
1Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Iraq.
Qasim Obaid Nasser2
2Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Iraq
Sheref Betabo Gogsido3
3University of Gondar, Ethiopia
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, empowering brands goes beyond conventional marketing strategies—it delves into the art of persuasive marketing and the construction of unshakable consumer trust. This paradigm is especially evident in the case of Bab Alagha Bakery Company, where the application of such principles becomes paramount. Bab Alagha Bakery understands that persuasion is an art requiring a delicate balance between compelling storytelling and a deep understanding of consumer needs. Through strategic marketing campaigns, the company not only showcases the quality of its products but also communicates its values, fostering a connection with customers that transcends mere transactions. Building unshakable consumer trust involves transparency, consistency, and a commitment to delivering on promises. Bab Alagha Bakery's dedication to quality assurance, ethical practices, and customer satisfaction serves as a blueprint for businesses aspiring to forge lasting relationships with their clientele. In this way, the company not only satisfies immediate consumer demands but also establishes itself as a trustworthy brand, ensuring sustained success in an ever-evolving market.Index Terms:
Inspiring Motivation of Human Resources, employee passion for work, compensation, performance appraisal, soft passion, obsessive passionREFERENCES
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