The Impact of Inspiring Motivation of Human Resources on Employee Passion for Work: An Applied Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees at Union Food Industries Co. Ltd.
Rabab Ibrahim Kadhim
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 5: Issue 1, Jan-June 2024, pp 15-25
Author's Information
Rabab Ibrahim Kadhim
Corresponding Author
University of Al-Qadisiyah y, College of Administration and Economics, Department of Business Administration, Al-Diwaniyah, Qadisiyah Province, Iraq.
The purpose of the current research is to measure the impact of the inspiring motivation of human resources by two dimensions (compensation, performance evaluation) in the employee's passion for work by (soft passion, and obsessive passion), and based on the literature that focused on the importance of inspiring motivation for human resources among a sample of employees in the Union Food Industries Company Ltd. by (133) workers, and in order to come up with the best results, study focused on statistical packages (SPSS. V.28& SMART. PLS) to determine the arithmetic media, standard deviations, correlation matrix and interpretation coefficient between the variables of study, study also focused on identifying the problem of study by determining the nature and type of relationship between the motivation inspiring human resources and the employee's passion for work, and as a result, study came out with important results, foremost of which was the existence of a correlation and a significant impact between the inspiring motivation of human resources and the employee's passion for work, Study recommended the need to focus the studied sample on developing its potential in investing the inspiring motivation of human resources, and this leads to the need to provide motivational opportunities for employees through the appointment of exceptional projects, aimed at achieving the passion of employees when they feel that they are growing, developing and exceeding their current limits.Index Terms:
Inspiring Motivation of Human Resources, employee passion for work, compensation, performance appraisal, soft passion, obsessive passionREFERENCES
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