Volume 5 Issue 4
Method for Mining the Opinion Leaders in Social Networks
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Deep Feature Fusion Method for Images Classification
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
Data Transfer in Smart Grids: Leveraging MIMO-OFDM for Enhanced Communication
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
Enhancing Network Efficiency through Advanced Resource Allocation Techniques in Multi-hop V2I Routing
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
Evaluating and Selecting Optimal CNN Architectures for Accurate Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Rays
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
Use of Chaos in Key Schedules for A Symmetrical Encryption Algorithm with Out Data Loss
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
Adaptive Covert Communication Framework for 6G Networks Integrating Quantum Cryptography and AI-Augmented Physical Layer Security
Authors (first, second and last of 4)
Quantum Cryptography-Enabled Cloud Security (QCECS) Framework
Authors (first, second and last of 4)