Enhancing Network Efficiency through Advanced Resource Allocation Techniques in Multi-hop V2I Routing

Jaafar Sadiq Alrubaye
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 5: Issue 4, December 2024, pp 165-182

Author's Information
Jaafar Sadiq Alrubaye1 
Corresponding Author
1College of Education for Pure Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Wasit, Wasit, Iraq

Research Paper -- Peer Research Papered
First online on – 30 December 2024

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article –Jaafar Sadiq Alrubaye “Enhancing Network Efficiency through Advanced Resource Allocation Techniques in Multi-hop V2I Routing”, International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering, RAME Publishers, vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 165-182, 2024.

Many researchers predict that vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) links between vehicles and base stations form a powerful supplement to vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) short-range communications, and preliminary investigations have demonstrated improved road safety with this promising technology. With the growing demand for internet services in vehicular networks, there is a need for high bandwidth to provide passengers with multimedia-based services. Most V2I communications use multi-hop data forwarding through vehicles, forming a multi-hop V2I communication process. However, the communication capacities in this model must be balanced to ensure efficient network deployment. Unbalanced capacity distribution often results in bottlenecks, such as butterfly formations for emergency vehicles traveling on high-speed lanes. In this paper, an energy efficiency-based capacity region traffic model is proposed to evaluate the impact of parallel communication links on single-hop V2I communications. By dynamically allocating equal-sized capacity regions using an energy efficiency model, this approach enhances performance in high-speed vehicular scenarios. Simulation results using real urban vehicular network maps demonstrate significant improvements over existing methods, achieving a 10% increase in Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), 15% reduction in End-to-End Delay, and 12% improvement in Network Throughput, among other metrics, highlighting the efficacy of the proposed scheme for next-generation vehicular networks.
Index Terms:-
Network Efficiency; Multi-Hop Routing V2I; Relay Selection; Combinatorial Optimization; Resource Allocation
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