Enhanced System for Prediction of Students’ Performance Using Deep Learning
Mina Basheer Gheni
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 5: Issue 3, September 2024, pp 81-90
Author's Information
Mina Basheer Gheni 1
Corresponding Author
1College of Business Economics, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
This work created an improved deep learning model for predicting student academic achievement. Students' data is gathered from online learning platforms, offline learning systems in schools, or through questions and responses. Many writers could use the collected data to better understand student behavior and, as a result, improve learning levels and student performance. To serve as legitimate input for a deep learning model, the gathered data must be processed first. The deep learning model's hyper-parameters were optimized using a genetic method. The OULAD dataset was utilized for validation. The results demonstrated that CNN plus a genetic algorithm is an effective strategy for predicting academic success.Index Terms:-
Prediction; Deep Learning; Genetic Algorithm; Optimization; OULADREFERENCES
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