On Classifying the Skull Dimensions of the Wolf by the Discriminant Function

A. D. Pwasong, E. Manga, C.N. Akanihu
International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering
Volume 4: Issue 2, April-June 2023, pp 44-57

Author's Information
A. D. Pwasong1 
Corresponding Author
1University of Jos /Department of Mathematics, Jos, Nigeria

E. Manga, C.N. Akanihu2
2University of Jos /Department of Mathematics, Jos, Nigeria

Article -- Peer Reviewed
First online on – 20 July 2023

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article –A. D. Pwasong, E. Manga, C.N. Akanihu “On Classifying the Skull Dimensions of the Wolf by the Discriminant Function”, International Journal of Computational and Electronic Aspects in Engineering, RAME Publishers, vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 44-57, 2023.

This study examines the discriminant function analysis on the skull dimensions of samples of wolf skulls from northwestern Canada in four regions which include Rocky mountain males and Rocky mountain females as well as Arctic males and Arctic females. The variables that were measured in millimeters for each skull of a wolf are Y1: palatal length, Y2: postpalatal length, Y3: Zygomatic width, Y4: palatal width outside the first upper molar, Y5: palatal width inside the second upper premolars, Y6: width between the postglenoid foramina, Y7: interorbital width, Y8: least width of the braincase and Y9: crown length of the first upper molar. We produced the discriminant function equations for the four regions and stated the rules for classifying a certain variable that depicts a skull into one of the four regions considered in the study, that is, Rocky mountain males, Rocky mountain females, Arctic males and Arctic females. In this article, we employed the classification rules to classify each of the N = 25 statement vectors such that the classification and discrimination procedure asserted that 92.0% of the original grouped cases were correctly classified and 88.0% of the cross-validated grouped cases were correctly classified. The analyses in this article were analyzed and executed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 8.0
Index Terms:-
discriminant function, classification, wolf, region, classification rules, tolerance level
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