Finite Element Analysis and Drawing of Magnetic Flux Path with the Developed Program

Mehmet ÇINAR
Volume 6: Issue 4, Dec 2019, pp 127-131

Author's Information
Mehmet ÇINAR1 
Corresponding Author
1Bitlis Eren University Bitlis / TURKEY

Research Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 30 Dec 2019

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Mehmet ÇINAR, “Finite Element Analysis and Drawing of Magnetic Flux Path with the Developed Program”, International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis, RAME Publishers, vol. 6, issue 4, pp. 127-131, Dec 2019.

One of the methods used in the solution of partial differential equations is the finite element method. The solution region of the differential equation to be solved in finite element method is divided into sub-sections. When making finite element analysis, magnetic flux path drawing is made by making use of vector potential values of the nodes in the solution of the magnetic region. Thus, the finite element analysis gives information about the magnetic structure of the region. However, it is useful to use the moving finite element method instead of the classical finite element method when time dependent partial differential equations change and the solution network changes regionally.
In this article, drawing of magnetic flux path used in finite element analysis is mentioned. Application of a C ++ based software has been realized and the sample magnetic flux path drawings have been obtained.
Index Terms:-
Finite element analysis, magnetic flux path, partial differential equation
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