Design and Manufacturing of 3-Axis Portable Machine with Criss-Cross Mechanism
S. A. Karve, Ajit Doiphode, Shantunjay Biradar, Rupam Shinde
Volume 6: Issue 2, May 2019, pp 44-48
Author's Information
S. A. Karve1
Corresponding Author
1Mechanical Engineering Department, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
Ajit Doiphode, Shantunjay Biradar, Rupam Shinde
1Mechanical Engineering Department, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
Lift is a straightforward mechanical gadget used to raise component or item from ground level to a specific stature to play out a particular work with most extreme burden and least endeavors. This task portrays the structure just as examination of scissor lift which will be worked on DC engines. Additionally such structure can make the lift increasingly minimized and much reasonable for medium scale work. In any case, for this situation alongside lifting material we are additionally going to attempt to move the material at an equivalent stature various way. The upper base or board will be moved with the assistance of lead screw which is worked by DC engine. At long last, the investigation will be completed so as to check the similarity of the plan esteems.Index Terms:-
Portable, 3-Axis, Scissor Mechanism, Drilling.REFERENCES
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