Failure Analysis of Hexagonal Headed Screw to Clamp Orthodontic Clip
Pranit Dhole, Saurabh Khaire, Machindra Adsul, Gaurav Bhor
Volume 6: Issue 2, May 2019, pp 99-105
Author's Information
Pranit Dhole1
Corresponding Author
1Mechanical Engineering Department, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
Saurabh Khaire, Machindra Adsul, Gaurav Bhor
1Mechanical Engineering Department, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
The human teeth function is that to mechanically breakdown items of food by cutting and crushing them in preparation for swallowing and digesting. Tooth Development is complex process by which the teeth form from embryonic cells, grow into mouth. By significant amount of research in this field, it is widely accepted that there is most of factor within tissues that is necessary for development of teeth. Orthodontic dental implants have become a widely accepted treatment option for both partially and completely for lack amount of teeth’s in patients’ mouth. The clinical use of miniscrew anchorage includes some risks. Screw fracture might be one of the most undesirable side effects in clinical use of miniscrew anchorage. Orthodontic Implant Screw of Organization S.K. Surgical is undergoing failure at time of insertion. Failure of Implant Screw in jaw of patient is causing major problems like surgery for removal, long healing period of jaw, time and money wastage, loss of Reputation.Index Terms:-
Human Teeth, Tooth Development Process, Miniscrew Anchorage, Failure of Implant ScrewREFERENCES
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