Vibration Analysis for Bending of Vertical Plates in PVC Scrap Filtration Machine
Rushikesh Salunkhe, Shriram Sonawane, Shardul Bhalerao, Nikhil Salunkhe
Volume 6: Issue 2, May 2019, pp 79-86
Author's Information
Rushikesh Salunkhe1
Corresponding Author
1Mechanical Engineering Department, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
Shriram Sonawane, Shardul Bhalerao, Nikhil Salunkhe
1Mechanical Engineering Department, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
A PVC scrap filtration machine used in VIJAY PLASTIC, Solapur to filter PVC scrap in fine granual by vibrating a bed. The machine vibrates with its leg support i.e. vertical plate which is bend after some instances. This project more focus on static and dynamic analysis of vertical plates of PVC scrap filtration machine. It is necessary to study various loads acting on plates like weight of various components of body, load of PVC scrap which would add to per cycle and the buckling load. Buckling leads to a failure. When a structure is subjected to compressive stress, buckling may occur. It is characterized by a sudden sideways deflection of a structural member. The static load considered for force analysis is not responsible for bending which is calculated and hence it is required to experiment the model for vibration in dynamic body. With the help of ANSYS APDL 19., the stress values of plates due to force acting on plates is obtained and it is found to be safe. There is no any buckling or bending happen in steady condition. There is small deflection after action of compressive load. From static analysis result it can be concluded that buckling of plates occurs due to accelerating condition. So, the next step is dynamic analysis of vertical plate. The project has a great future scope as by investigating the amount of vibration into the system and with the help of dynamic calculation it can be find out the root causes of vibration so that the vibration can be eliminated to maximum extent and thus the life of the system may increase. The future scope of project is to find factors responsible for bending of vertical plate and to modify it as per necessary changes possible with the help of analytical, experimental and finite element analysis technique.Index Terms:-
Static analysis, Dynamic analysis, Vibration, Buckling, PVC scrap.REFERENCES
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