Design and Manufacturing of Portable Hydraulic Die Fitment Opening Machine
V. D. Karande, Jagadish D Pagar, Sagar V. Nirmal, Pratik T. Palave, Yuvraj B. Sargar
Volume 6: Issue 2, May 2019, pp 40-43
Author's Information
V. D. Karande1
Corresponding Author
1JSPM Narhe Technical Campus Pune, Mechanical Engineering Department, Pune, India
Jagadish D Pagar, Sagar V. Nirmal, Pratik T. Palave, Yuvraj B. Sargar
1JSPM Narhe Technical Campus Pune, Mechanical Engineering Department, Pune, India
The invention provides to solution of die fitment opening in sheet metal industry. Usually the die fitment is given to the press die for supporting and aligning the press die. As the fitment is of male and female section tighten in each other. So, the skilled operator in sheet metal industry opens the die fitment by hammering, it causes damage to the die alignment and surface finish. In the present scenario, time constraint is crucial part for completion of any production process. Thus, with the aid of atomization i.e. by using portable hydraulic system for fitment opening with reduced damage of alignment and higher degree of accuracy. Thus, an attempt has been made to provide less effort and rapid functioning of die fitment opening with the help of hydraulic system.Index Terms:-
Press Dies, Hydraulic Power pack, Die fitmentREFERENCES
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