Design and Implementation of Energy Audit with IOT and ARDUINO
Prof. Pravin Balbudhe, Barkha Jais, Payal Burbure, Kajal kalbende, Shweta Warkad, Ashwini Hemane
Volume 6: Issue 1, March 2019, pp 25-29
Author's Information
Prof. Pravin Balbudhe1
Corresponding Author
1Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
Barkha Jais, Payal Burbure, Kajal kalbende, Shweta Warkad, Ashwini Hemane
1Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
This project develop for in industry to save not needed circumstances consumption of energy and to known what is exact requirement of industry and it is also developed for analysis the system, hence the proposed system is taking this development at next level by enhancing the term IoT(Internet Of Things) for industrial remote energy parameter monitoring system.The objective of energy audit is to identify the end use of energy in industry, and this feasibility study leads to implementation of energy management program. Remote monitoring of different industries sensor, machineries, energy or the power panels are the most demanding products and many organizations are working on it. Up till now we have seen only computers, mobiles and very few device are connected to internet directly.
Still many embedded system or the devices needs to redesign so that they can communicate with other world through the internet. In simple word we called it as a IoT(Internet of Things). By using IoT device we are developing project named as “Design and Implementation of Energy audit with IOT and ARDUINO”.
Index Terms:-
Internet of Things (IoT); Arduino board; GSM Modem; Microcontroller ATMega328P; Modbus-RS232 converterREFERENCES
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