Scanning Tour of Innovative Vehicle Towing Through Crane
Umeshwari Sahare, Ashwini Khobragade, Shivani Mirase, Gayatri Bansod, Divya Khadse, Pradip Balbudhe
Volume 6: Issue 1, March 2019, pp 21-24
Author's Information
Umeshwari Sahare1
Corresponding Author
1Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
Ashwini Khobragade, Shivani Mirase, Gayatri Bansod, Divya Khadse, Pradip Balbudhe
1Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
The Prospective system is basically a vehiculate system construct to auditor and track the activity of the drag crane which belongs to the Mumbai traffic police. The system is deployed inside the automobile whose location is to be determined and pursued real time. The main detached of the arrangement is to keep a watch on activities of the crane driver, provide a direct access of the goods to the officials of the MTP, count the number of vehicles towed per day and keep a watch on damaged to the tracked vehicle. The system uses the GPS machineries that is one of the most accepted ways to track vehicle. A Raspberry pi is recycled to manage the GPS and GPRS module and gets the geographical co-ordinates at regular intervals. The raspberry pi is recycled to broadcast the data and store the collection of goods. The officials at MTP will be continuously able to track the vehicle on demand. This documents presents some data to vehiculate arrangement and actions on constructive implementation.Index Terms:-
GPS, MTP, Raspberry pi, Vehicle tracking, GSMREFERENCES
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