Design of Smartphone Application for Farmer
Prof. Vivekanand Thakare, Kamal Pati, Purushottam Rathi, Neha Shahu, Pooja Gupta, Charan Chaple
Volume 6: Issue 1, March 2019, pp 16-20
Author's Information
Prof. Vivekanand Thakare1
Corresponding Author
1Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
Kamal Pati, Purushottam Rathi, Neha Shahu, Pooja Gupta, Charan Chaple
1Suryodaya College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, India
In India most of the population is depending on agriculture and Farmer is the backbone of the Indian economy. The system consists of smartphone applications. The System can be used by farmers on the android application on mobile devices. The paper proposes the use of data mining to provide recommendations to farmers for crops, crop information, and identification of appropriate fertilizer. The smart-phone is used very commonly by everyone who is educated or non-educated. This application can provide different languages, which is Hindi and English this language commonly used and easy to use on the system.Index Terms:-
Smartphone, data mining, database, farmer-to-supplier, dealers, retailer, supplier, Crop, Android.REFERENCES
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