Investigation of Electric Field Distribution of A Transformer Using Moving Finite Element Method

Mehmet ÇINAR and İrfan ÖKTEN
Volume 5: Issue 2, June 2018, pp 36-43

Author's Information
Mehmet ÇINAR1 
Corresponding Author
1Bitlis Eren Üniversity Bitlis / TURKEY.

İrfan ÖKTEN2
2Bitlis Eren Üniversity Bitlis / TURKEY

Research Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 30 June 2018

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Mehmet ÇINAR and İrfan ÖKTEN, “Investigation of Electric Field Distribution of A Transformer Using Moving Finite Element Method”, International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis, RAME Publishers, vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 36-43, June 2018.

The one of the commonly used methods for solution of partial differential equations is the finite element method. Solution area for the differential equation to be solved in this method; are divided into a number of sub-regions called simple , small , interconnected , finite elements.However , especially in time-dependent partial differential equations, analysis is performed using the moving finite element method instead of the classical finite element method where the solution network changes locally; both faster and more accurate.In this work, moving finite element method is considered. The details of how the original variation on the solution network for he moving finite element method and the monitor function selection, which is an important factor in these changes, are detailed in the two-dimensional case. As application, C ++ based software is implemented and analyzed the transformer’s electric area distribution according to the state of the classical and moving finite elements and the results are compared.
Index Terms:-
Mesh Generation , Finite Element Method, Moving Finite Element
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