Design and Implementation of Voice Based Email Navigation System for Blinds: A Review
Suchita K.Khadase, Rashmi R. Gedam, Pragati M. Meshram, Premila S. Sonkusare, Prof. V. P. Thakare
Volume 5: Issue 1, March 2018, pp 5-7
Author's Information
Prof. V. P. Thakare1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Department Of Computer Engineering, Suryodaya College Of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Suchita K.Khadase, Rashmi R. Gedam, Pragati M. Meshram, Premila S. Sonkusare
2Students, Department Of Computer Engineering, Suryodaya College Of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Today’s communication has become so easy because of the Internet but, visually impaired people find uncomfortable to use this technology. Even though new technologies introduced to help blind people because they are not able to behave like a normal user. The aim of this paper is developing an email system that will help even blind person to use services for communication without any training. Users do not require using keyboard instead he will work only on mouse click event and speech conversion to text. The system can also be used by normal person who is not able to read. The system is based on interactive voice response (IVR).This make it user friendly and efficient.Index Terms:-
Listener, Visually Impaired people, IVR, Email navigation System.REFERENCES
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