Identifying User by Collaborative Statistics: A Review
Rasika Retar, Pratiksha Dhoble, Abhishek Chauhan, Swati Gourkhede, Bhavna Sonkusre, Prof. Pradeep O. Balbudhe
Volume 5: Issue 1, March 2018, pp 1-4
Author's Information
Prof. Pradeep O. Balbudhe1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Department Of Computer Engineering, Suryodaya College Of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Rasika Retar, Pratiksha Dhoble, Abhishek Chauhan, Swati Gourkhede, Bhavna Sonkusre
2Students, Department Of Computer Engineering, Suryodaya College Of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Today’s we have many as n numbers of online services. Those services use by most of users. Every user has their own unique behaviour or pattern of uses. The users behaviour or we can say usage pattern which can we are going to give a feat by tracking there usage of online services for identifying the user statistically. We are using a powerful algorithm which can help us to identify the user by time, location, as worldwide and which give a output with the help of histogram as a graph.As user identities of both the database which a database of source one and source two as mention above, then this is a insignificant. A common requirement in our database is to analyzing for identifying user by a feat statistics of their data which we are going to actually work on.
Index Terms:-
ICS system, Web User, Data Flow Diagram, Algorithm.REFERENCES
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