Concept of Jigs and Fixture Design –A Review
Ankita Patil, Kishor S. Rambhad, D. R. Bele
Volume 4: Issue 4, Dec 2017, pp 73-77
Author's Information
Ankita Patil1
Corresponding Author
1G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
Kishor S. Rambhad2
2G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
D. R. Bele3
3Senior Section Engineer, Electric Loco Shed Ajni, Nagpur, India.
Jigs and fixtures setup is utilized to decrease the work stack inside the organization. The jigs and installations are the practical approaches to deliver a part in mass. So jigs and fixtures are utilized and fill in as a standout amongst the most vital office of large scale manufacturing framework. These are extraordinary work holding and device controlling gadget. Nature of the execution of a procedure to a great extent affected by the nature of jigs and fixture is utilized for this reason. What makes an fixtures remarkable is that everyone is worked to fits a specific parts or shape. The fundamental motivation behind an installation is to find and in the cases hold a work piece amid an operation.Index Terms:-
fixture, accuracy, clamping, productivityREFERENCES
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