Material Flow in Cutting of Metals Affected by Low Frequency Modulation - A Review

Akhilesh Kumar Jha, Kishor S. Rambhad, Mayur Bhosale
Volume 4: Issue 4, Dec 2017, pp 69-72

Author's Information
Akhilesh Kumar Jha1 
Corresponding Author
1G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India

Kishor S. Rambhad2
2G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.

Mayur Bhosale3
3Manager, SEE Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur, India.

Review Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 01 Dec 2017

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Akhilesh Kumar Jha, Kishor S. Rambhad, Mayur Bhosale, “Material Flow in Cutting of Metals Affected by Low Frequency Modulation - A Review”, International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis, RAME Publishers, vol. 4, issue 4, pp. 69-72, Dec 2017.

This paper has been exhibited for different part of the misshapening field, material stream, and mechanics of chip division in cutting of metals with superimposed low-recurrence tweak (1000HZ) are described at the mesoscale utilizing rapid imaging and molecule picture of velocimetry (PIV).
Index Terms:-
Cutting, Contact mechanics, Energy conservation, Velocity-Modulation
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