Modal Analysis of A Small Wind Turbine Blade Made of Different Materials
Lingaraj K. Ritti, Pavan Kumar, Ganesh Kalagi
Volume 4: Issue 3, Oct 2017, pp 39-44
Author's Information
Lingaraj K. Ritti1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Madhwa VadirajaInstitute of Technology, Bantakal-574115, Udupi, India.
Pavan Kumar2, Ganesh Kalagi3
2,3Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Madhwa VadirajaInstitute of Technology, Bantakal-574115, Udupi, India.
A wind turbine is a mechanical device that uses wind energy to generate power by converting the kinetic energy of the rotor blade, Small wind turbines need to be installed with affordable cost, and it should be reliable and maintenance free small-scale wind turbines produces useful electrical energy in developing countries. And also in developed countries for autonomous applications in locations that are far away from the grid power.In the present, work the dynamic parameters of small wind turbine blade are determined by carrying modal analysis on different materials. Modal analysis of wind turbine blade made up of Aluminium PVC and composite materials is carried out to obtain Natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes by the finite element analysis software ANASYS 14.5. Wind turbine blade is modelled by using modelling software and the model meshes with tetrahedral elements. Modal analysis of wind turbine blade is carried out by applying the fixed supports at the one end of the blade and other end left free. Five natural frequencies and five mode shapes are extracted for wind turbine blades of different materials.
Index Terms:-
Wind Turbine Blade, Natural frequency, Mode shape, PVC, Al, Composite Material, ANSYSREFERENCES
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