Parametric Optimization of WEDM for Inconel-718 by using Taguchi - A Review
Niteen V. Patil, Manoj R. Patil, C. Chavan, Rajendra Shimpi
Volume 4: Issue 2, June 2017, pp 27-32
Author's Information
Niteen V. Patil1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur, Maharashtra, India.
Manoj R. Patil2
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur, Maharashtra, India.
C. Chavan2, Rajendra Shimpi3
2,3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mukesh Patel Technology Park, Shirpur, Maharashtra, India.
Non tradition machining like EDM- Electro Discharge machine has no physical cutting forces present between the work piece and machining tool, high accuracy in metal removal process using thermal energy by generating a spark to erode the work piece. The work piece must be a conductive electricity material which is submerged into the dielectric fluid for better erosion. EDM has numerous application in die cavity casting with large components, small diameter whole having depth and various complex holes and other precision part. Inconel-718, a high strength, thermal resistant Nickel-based alloy, is mainly used in the aircraft industries. Inconel-718 has extreme toughness and work hardening characteristics of the alloy. The various notable works in the field of WEDM is reviewed in this paper and prominence given to Inconel-718.Index Terms:-
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), Inconel 718, WEDM, MRR, Taguchi method.REFERENCES
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