The Effects of Cerium Oxide Nano-particle as Fuel Additives in Diesel and Biodiesel Blends: A Review
Dhiraj S. Patil, Mukund Y.Pandey, Dattatray A. Chopade
Volume 4: Issue 1, March 2017, pp 12-15
Author's Information
Dhiraj S. Patil1
Corresponding Author
1G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Management Jalgaon.425001, India.
Mukund Y.Pandey2, Dattatray A. Chopade3
2,3G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Management Jalgaon.425001, India.
The main objective of paper is the need to reduce emission which is major impulse to the development of alternative fuel; biodiesel has been developed as an alternative fuel for C.I. engine but it show slightly lower performance and reduction in SOX, CO, HC, CO2 emissions as compare with diesel. But due to higher oxygen contain in biodiesel the formation of NOX was observed higher. Nano-fuels have shown better improvement in combustion, performance and emission characteristics of CI engine. The blending of biodiesel increases the thermal efficiency near to that of diesel and also significantly large reduction in NOX is observed.Index Terms:-
Nano-particle, alternative fuel, biodiesel, performance, emission, NOXREFERENCES
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