Design and Fabrication of Wheelchair cum Stretcher
Nitin G. Sushir, Ravi B. Bopche, Prof. Hemant M. Bansod
Volume 4: Issue 1, March 2017, pp 6-11
Author's Information
Nitin G. Sushir1
Corresponding Author
1Mechanical Engineering Department, S. B. Jain Institute of Technology Management and Research, Nagpur.
Ravi B. Bopche2, Prof. Hemant M. Bansod3
2,3Mechanical Engineering Department, S. B. Jain Institute of Technology Management and Research, Nagpur.
The number of disabled and physically weak, handicapped persons are increasing day by day. Therefore transportation medium is required for patients. Wheelchair and stretchers are commonly used in hospitals. And this medical equipment is used for transferring patients from one place to another. And during transferring patients creates problems to patients and also creates problems for attendant and nurse. Sometimes it creates problems to patient. And transferring patient from wheelchair to stretcher, stretcher to bed, and bed to wheelchair is always issue for both hospital staff and family members of patient. This system causes stress, body pain to patients and sometimes chances to sleep down the patient. Understanding the various issues regarding the mobility equipment a better design will be an asset for medical field and helpful for disabled person. This paper presents the design and fabrication of wheelchair cum stretcher. This project is specially design for patient to transfer patient from bed to wheelchair and wheelchair to stretcher. This innovation helps medical staff to transfer patient from chair to bed very easily because chair become a stretcher and it is adjustable to height of bed. Conversion of wheelchair to stretcher and vice versa is achieved by simple linkage mechanism which is manually operated easy mechanism. Also the height of stretcher can be adjusted using hydraulic jack manually. It is placed in horizontal position. These jacks push against a lever, which lifts the main lift arm. This is a cost reducing Project which helps patients to do their daily things.Index Terms:-
stress, linkage mechanism, hydraulic jack.REFERENCES
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