Design and Fabrication of Handicapped Bicycle: A Review
Vinod M Gaikwad, Dada B. Chavan, Kumar C. Ghogare, Suraj D. Bhagwat, Prof. M. P. Wasnik
Volume 3: Issue 1, March 2016, pp 4-6
Author's Information
Vinod M Gaikwad1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Dada B. Chavan, Kumar C. Ghogare, Suraj D. Bhagwat, Prof. M. P. Wasnik2
2Department of Mechanical S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, Pune, Maharashtra, India
A wheelchair is a device used for mobility by people for whom walking is difficult or impossible, due to illness or disability. It typically consists of a seat supported on two large wheels on an axle attached towards the back of the seat and two small wheels near the feet, though there are often small additional features to prevent toppling or to assist mounting curbs. The person moves by pushing with his/her hands circular bars on the outside of the large wheels with a diameter that is slightly less than that of the wheels. The activity was started with customer survey and market study. The questionnaire was framed keeping the needs of physically challenged people in mind. The major inputs received from this study were related to ingress\egress issues, ergonomics, carrying wheel chair and utility space. Traditional manual wheelchair having chain mechanism which required more efforts to drive the tricycle and control of both arms for operation. To avoid this problem this projects was carried out. In this project we use single slider mechanism instead of chain mechanism. Our goal is to provide comfort and less effort for operation of tricycle. Mobility vehicles are designed based on the usage, i.e. either indoor or outdoor. The cost of vehicle may not be affordable for a disabled people. So the focus is laid on the simplicity in design, high performance, easy maintenance & safety at very reasonable price. This paper provides detail of component used & designing parameters takes in consideration while designing the tricycle. This tricycle is very efficiently designed and can be proved as a better replacement for the tricycle having chain mechanism and we provide a clutch for engagement and disengagement of shaft whenever required . Keeping in mind the factors such as safety, cost & performance this tricycle is design.Index Terms:-
Mobility, single-slider mechanism, clutch, wheelchairREFERENCES
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