FEA Investigation of Double Circumferential U-Notch Bar under Axial Loading
Saurabh S. Baviskar, Prof. P. G. Patil
Volume 2: Issue 4, Dec 2015, pp 153-157
Author's Information
Saurabh S. Baviskar1
Corresponding Author
1Master of Engineering Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Gulabrao Deokar.College of Engineering, Jalgaon, India.
Prof. P. G. Patil2
2Associate Professor, Master of Engineering Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shri Gulabrao Deokar.College of Engineering, Jalgaon, India.
When a notch component is loaded, local stress and strain concentrations are generated in the notch area. The stresses often exceed the yield limit of the material in the small region around the notch root, even at relatively low nominal elastic stresses. When a notch component is subjected to cyclic loading, cyclic inelastic strains in the area of stress and strain concentrations may cause formation of cracks and their subsequent growth could lead to component fracture. Stress-strain concentration result at axial loading case for U Shape notch shaft is found by analytically and FEA investigation. In this studies have been presented in graphical representation of analytical results and FEA results on the U shape double circumferential notch bar.Index Terms:-
Axial load, FEA, Stress-Strain concentration notchREFERENCES
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