Seismic Analysis of Power Cabinet using FEA and Comparison with Experimental Validation
Ranjit A. Patil
Volume 2: Issue 4, Dec 2015, pp 142-146
Author's Information
Ranjit A. Patil1
Corresponding Author
1FE Analyst, Spring Meadows, Ambegaon Budruk, Pune -411046 India.
Power cabinets can be installed on various locations depending on the need like nuclear power plant, sea region, mountain regions. So it is necessary to validate the model against the seismic loads depending on region it is located, loading factors, standards followed. The given paper gives brief information on how to calculate static coefficient method equivalent to seismic analysis. It also gives information on how to calculate floor loading analysis which can be used to design given floor. The results are validated with experimental data and observed good correlation between FEA model and experimental results.Index Terms:-
Static equivalent method for seismic analysis, power cubicle, spectrum analysis, floor loading analysisREFERENCES
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