Design and Analysis of Injection Mould for Hydrogol Dripper
Manjusha Narayane
Volume 2: Issue 3, Sept 2015, pp 122-129
Author's Information
Manjusha Narayane1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, India
In this project, a two plate injection mould design and mould flow analysis of 12-cavity injection mould for a given component was taken according to the customer requirement. Present mold 12-cavity injection mold for Irrigation valve found a defect as short filling. This projects aims to design and analysis of mould and proper correction of mould. Material selected for Plastic component “Irrigation Valve (Hydrogol Dripper)” was HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) . The 3-D model of the component and extraction of core and cavities was performed in Unigraphics (NX6) software. Drafting and detailing made on AutoCAD software. Auto Desk Mould Flow Analysis software is a powerful Analysis tool to analysis and predict the defects in the component.Index Terms:-
Injection Mould, MoldREFERENCES
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