Cutting Forces during Hard Turning for CBN Inserts: A Review
Bharatesh Akkiwad, N. V. Nanjundaradhya,Ramesh. S. Sharma, M. Rajanish
Volume 2: Issue 3, Sept 2015, pp 119-121
Author's Information
M. Rajanish2
Corresponding Author
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Tech & Mgmt-560082
Bharatesh Akkiwad, N. V. Nanjundaradhya, Ramesh. S. Sharma1
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.V.College of Engineering Bangalore-560059
Tool life and machining surface roughness during hard turning are major components for industries because of the technical competitive world. Many researchers have worked to increase the life of the cutting tools and reduce the surface roughness of the workpiece only by experimental methods. But, the experimental techniques are of time consuming and destructive process. Hence there is a more scope for numerical investigations on hard turning. The objective of this work is to review the works carried out by different researchers both in experimental and numerical methods. Both experimental and numerical analysis work carried out for different combinations of varying cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut for measuring the cutting forces.Index Terms:-
Tool life, machining, surface roughness, CADREFERENCES
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