Alternate Methods to Avoid Coal Spillage from Conveyors
Chetan B. Gawande, D. K. Sakhre,Pravin Katare, Vivek Padole
Volume 2: Issue 3, Sept 2015, pp 115-118
Author's Information
Chetan B. Gawande1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Abha Gaikwad College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
D. K. Sakhre2
Pravin Katare, Vivek Padole3
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Abha Gaikwad College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
The spillages result from too much feed from the chute, concerning overflow as the material is initially deposited onto the conveyor, or material floating free of the conveyor as it is moved along it, or both, and also the Spillage occurs when fines and water accumulate on the inclined section of the conveyor and gain sufficient volume to form a stationary "teardrop" shape which cannot be transported by the belt up the incline.Index Terms:-
Coal Spillage, Conveyors, Belts, Water accumulation, Chute designREFERENCES
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