Computation of Hydraulic Force Required to Reduce the Bounce Back Effect of Material in Process of Pipe Bending Using FEA
Mahesh M. Dadwe, Vivek Padole
Volume 2: Issue 3, Sept 2015, pp 101-103
Author's Information
Mahesh M. Dadwe1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Abha Gaikwad College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
Vivek Padole2
2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Abha Gaikwad College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
In this paper is presented a finite element model for simulation of pipe Bending Process. The finite element model, used commercial code ANSYS. Also this paper is present some results for simulation of different bending distance in one direction of the bending. Bending of metal pipes is very important production method considering that metal pipe are widely used in a great variety of engineering products, such as automobile, aircraft, air conditioner, air compressor, exhaust systems, fluid lines. The results show that the amount of hydraulic force required bending a pipe and how it varies in respect of amount of bend of pipe in one direction in distance mm. It is also noticeable that maximum stress developed in pipe after bending. Springback effect in the material is due to elastic and plastic properties of the material. In this project the hydraulic force is calculated to reduce the bounce back or springback effect of material.Index Terms:-
Finite element simulation, tubular parts, bending.REFERENCES
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