3-D Modeling and FEA of an Improved Design of Axle of Hot Metal Ladle Transfer Car Bogie
Makarand M. Shesh, Vivek Padole
Volume 2: Issue 3, Sept 2015, pp 95-97
Author's Information
Makarand M. Shesh1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Abha Gaikwad College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
Vivek Padole2
2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Abha Gaikwad College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
The paper imparts an idea about the repetitive failure of Axle of Hot Metal Ladle Transfer Car used in steel industries for carrying hot molten metal from blast furnace to steel melt shop. In earlier paper from same author in similar related subject a 3-D model was prepared and a solid mesh of the model of Wheel and Axle assembly was analysed by FEA techniques and the result was compared with conventional calculations for stress per wheel of hot metal transfer car bogie. An improved redesign of Axle is prepared in 3-D modeling and the results are compared with 3-D Basic model. The redesign results found satisfactory with less stress value and shown reduced bulkiness of axle.Index Terms:-
Finite Element Analysis, Locomotive, 3D Modeling.REFERENCES
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