Static and Dynamic Analysis of Suspension System with Longitudinal Spring and Damper Assembly
Saurabh S. Singh, Murtaza Mithaiwala
Volume 2: Issue 2, June 2015, pp 85-88
Author's Information
Saurabh S. Singh1
Corresponding Author
1Automotive Mechatronics, Government Polytechnic, Pune, India
Murtaza Mithaiwala2
2Automotive Mechatronics, Government Polytechnic, Pune, India
Suspension systems have changed rapidly over past six or seven decades. Most of the designs come with the passive suspension system which gives freedom to the designers to accumulate most of the components in a compact space. This system will give designers the benefit of accumulating the suspension ahead of the wheel which in fact will be helpful in reducing the un-sprung weight on the front wheels compared to ‘A’ arms suspension system. Moreover it would be generously helpful to analyze such kind of suspension system to study various factors as spring force, space requirements and road handling characteristics.Index Terms:-
Suspension System, Dynamic abilities of Horizontal Spring and Damper assembly.REFERENCES
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