Increase the Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engine Fin by Replacing the Conventional Fin with Parabolic Fin
Shamim Alam, Dr. Gaurav Tiwari
Volume 2: Issue 2, June 2015, pp 80-84
Author's Information
Shamim Alam1
Corresponding Author
1Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Mewar University, Chittaurgarh Rajasthan-312901, India
Dr. Gaurav Tiwari2
2Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Nagpur-440010, Maharashtra, India
Energy conservation and efficiency have always been the quest of engineers concerned with IC engines. In 1882, Sir Dugald Clerk showed the efficiency of the Otto cycle to depend solely upon the expansion ratio. As we know, if excess heat is not removed, engine components fail due to excessive temperature. Only approximately 25-30% of the energy released is converted into useful work. The remaining (70%) must be removed from the engine to prevent the parts from melting. This paper is related to increase the efficiency of fins used in two wheeler four stroke internal combustion engine.Index Terms:-
Internal combustion engine, Finite element analysis, Parabolic finREFERENCES
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