Reducing Assembly Time and Rework of Wheel Chair
Manish P. Nasre, Prof. A. K. Mahalle
Volume 2: Issue 2, June 2015, pp 55-59
Author's Information
Manish P. Nasre1
Corresponding Author
1M. Tech. CAD/CAM, Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur- 440016, India
Prof. A. K. Mahalle2
2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur- 440016, India
Improving the productivity of the organization is the primary objective. If a wrong part assembly occurs then it leads to excess time consumption with loss of money. A new approach called Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) implementation, with an approach to Time study of an assembly workstation and reducing Non value adding activities(NVA). Poka Yoke method can be used for mistake proofing of assembly of wrong bracket on back frame of wheel Chair assembly and can also be used in defining holes during assembly of back frame, seat, mechanism, left hand rest, right hand rest. Certain devices such as fixture can be used. Automation can be applied with the help of human intervention with understanding critical points to design a Fixture and mechanical devices over the sensing devices.Index Terms:-
Assembly, MOST, POKA YOKE,Time Reduction, FixtureREFERENCES
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