Design of AJM, Analysis of Process Parameter and Their Effect on MRR
Saipad B.B.P.J.Sahu, Saurav Ranjan Mohapatra
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2015, pp 24-28
Author's Information
Saipad B.B.P.J.Sahu1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, GITA, Bhubaneswar - 752054, Odisha, India
Saurav Ranjan Mohapatra2
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, VSSUT, Burla- 768018, Odisha, India
The present research work involves designing of a simple AJM machine. The AJM setup designed and fabricated is used for machining brittle materials of different thickness i.e. glass. The material removal rate is formulated by taking some parameters into assumption. The experiment shows different machining parameters are affecting the material removal rate (MRR). Some important parameters which are having directly impact on MRR such as grain size, nozzle tip distances (NTD/SOD) and pressure of carrier gas have investigated. it is found that increasing the grain size, NTD MRR also increases up to some point after that further increment decreases the MRR. Increasing the Pressure of gas increases the MRR. Finally the experimented result is compared with the theoretical value and observed suitable agreement between them. So the design is validated.Index Terms:-
MRR, Process parameter, grain size, SOD, pressure of carrier gas and AJM set up.REFERENCES
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