Modeling, Stress and Welding Strength Analysis of Pressure Vessel
Ramesh B. T., Ashok R. Banagar, Dr. R. P. Swamy
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2015, pp 17-23
Author's Information
Ramesh B. T.1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Mech. Engg., STJIT, Ranebennur. India
Ashok R. Banagar2
2Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Mech. Engg., SMVITM, Bantakal, Udupi. India
Dr. R. P. Swamy3
3Associate Professors, Dept. Of Mech. Engg., UBDT College of Engg., Davanagare. India
Stress analysis plays important role in structural optimization and safety of the equipment. Prior estimation of stress helps in preventing failure of the components. In the present work, the pressure vessel has been analyzed for cases of loading. In the first case a dent formation near the nozzle region is considered to find the strength and in the second case full problem is considered for analysis. Initially the dent model is built using shell approach and thickness is assigned as real properties. In the final three dimensional models, nozzles are built as per the drawing and analysis is carried out for all major nozzles as per the load specifications for the problem. The nozzle regions are fine meshed to obtain accurate results as the solution accuracy depends on the finer size of the mesh. The results for von-mises stress are captured due to the ductile nature of the pressure vessel system. The stresses are concentrated near the nozzle opening regions as per the observation.Index Terms:-
Pressure vessel, Hoop Stress, FEM, Von Mises Stress.REFERENCES
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