Human Powered Multipoint Seed Sowing Machine
Mayur Dehankar, Gaurav Bhele, Nikesh Dorlikar, Hemant Hajare, Vijay Pinge, Sainath Kulsange, Prof. H. M. Bansod
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2015, pp 52-54
Author's Information
Mayur Dehankar1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, BCYRC’S Umrer College Of Engineering, Umrer, India.
Mayur Dehankar, Gaurav Bhele, Nikesh Dorlikar, Hemant Hajare, Vijay Pinge, Sainath Kulsange, Prof. H. M. Bansod
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, BCYRC’S Umrer College Of Engineering, Umrer, India.
This paper gives the information about fabrication and design of human powered multi point seed sowing machine. Agriculture is demographically the broadest economic sector and plays a significant role in the overall economy of India. For the growth of Indian economy, mechanization is necessary. The main purpose of mechanization in agriculture is to improve the overall productivity and production. Planting is conventionally done manually which involves both animate (humans and draught animals), this result in higher cost of cultivation and delay in planting The main purpose of this paper is to compare between conventional sowing method and new proposed machine which can perform number of simultaneous operation. The required row to row spacing, seed rate, seed to seed spacing and fertilizers placement varies from crop to crop can be achieved by the proposed machine. This machine reduces the sowing time, human efforts and labour cost. Our project of seed sowing machine is based on the mechanization of seed sowing. We developed such mechanization that uses human power to operate it.Index Terms:-
Seed metering mechanism, hopper, chain drive, rectangular frame, steering mechanism, furrows, peddling systemREFERENCES
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