Fabrication of Nanofiber using Electrospinning Technique for Biomedical Application
J Silva Deena, N. Femina, Dr. N. Victor Jaya
Volume 1: Issue 1, Jan 2014, pp 21-24
Author's Information
J Silva Deena1
Corresponding Author
1College of Engineering, Guindy Laser and Electro Optical Engineering, Chennai, India
N. Femina, 2 Dr. N. Victor Jaya,2
2College of Engineering, Guindy Laser and Electro Optical Engineering, Chennai, India.
Nanofiber is defined as the fiber having at least one dimension in nanometer range or even less than human hair. Nanofiber are widely used in tissue engineering, sensor applications, wound healing, implant materials, drug delivery or medicinal materials. There are various methods available to generate nanofiber but electrospinning is one of the most widely used versatile technique for continuous fiber forming process having less diameter (50-1000nm) with low cost, high surface area, high porosity, multi twisted fiber, current flow, interaction & binding by which either polymer solutions or melts are charged by high voltage(5-20 kv) to form fine jets of nano fiber structure with high efficiency for biomedical applications of wound healing without any side effects and short term healing. Using this method we can improve the thermal, mechanical and electrical properties of the fiber. Also it can be used in Lab. Silver Nitrate & Polyvinylbutyral (PVB) is a polymer which is used to be for this method, because it is a non-toxic, odorless, low cost, flexibility, optical clarity, environmental friendly, adhesion to many surface, strong binding ability, antimicrobial property and prepared by laboratory at 25 degree Celsius. Electrospinning generates scaffold with more homogeneity & treating the webs by heat or UV radiation. So that crystallinity is improved and it is insoluble in moisture environment. This webs has the characteristics of oxygen permeation, protection of wound from infection and dehydration. Webs was heated by heat or uv radiation to improve the crystallinity property. Also it was insoluble in moisture environment. The webs has a antimicrobial agent for treating wounds. It shows an excellent antimicrobial activity above 99.1%. But it has a one drawback of slightly colour changes in the skin after curing the wound.Index Terms:-
Electrospinning, Nano structures, PVB, Silver nitrate, Wound Dressing material.REFERENCES
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