Simulation and Modeling of Engineering System Using Bond Graphs
Pramod Harish Sahare
Volume 1: Issue 1, Jan 2014, pp 7-10
Author's Information
Pramod Harish Sahare1
Corresponding Author
1Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research & Technology, Chandrapur (India)
Bond graphs offer a domain-neutral graphical technique for representing power flows in a physical system. They are particularly powerful for representing systems that operate in multiple energy domains, such as thermal models of electronic circuits, mechanical vibrations in acoustic systems, etc. It is an explicit graphical tool for capturing common energy structure of systems. The Bond Graph is composed of the bonds which link together single or multi elements, each bond represents the instantaneous flow of energy or power. The flow in each bond is denoted a pair of variables called 'power variables' whose product is the instantaneous power of the bond. For example, the bond of an electrical system would represent the flow of electrical energy and the power variables would be voltage and current, whose product is power. Each domain's power variables are broken into two types: "effort" and "flow". Effort multiplied by flow produces power, thus the term power variables. Every domain has a pair of power variables with a corresponding effort and flow variable. Examples of effort include force, torque, voltage, or pressure; while flow examples include velocity, current, and volumetric flow.Modeling and simulation form an integral role in the engineering design process. In this paper it was try to elaborate basics of bond graph and try to figure out some common system using bond graph approach. The main aim is to prepare software of some engineering system using bond graph. The system shall have the interactive graphical user interface (GUI) and shall provide library of elements which the user can choose to build the composite systems from the provided elementary systems. The software shall be tested for some known systems by comparing the simulation results with the manual simulations. Further this simulation & modeling system will be used to model a few engineering systems by varying different parameters. These systems will be chosen from the real world. The different parameters of sub systems will be altered and the composite simulation results for each such combination will be obtained, these results will then be tested against the actual system composition. Such a comparison shall validate this modeling and simulation system. The software will be basically working on drag and drop principle and it will be created in Visual Basic and database software such as MS Access.
Index Terms:-
Bond graph, simulation, dynamic modelingREFERENCES
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