Numerical Simulation of Piezoelecrtic Diffuser Nozzle Valve Micropump
Vinod Vijayan, Manu M John, Dr. V Sekkar
Volume 1: Issue 1, Jan 2014, pp 55-59
Author's Information
Vinod Vijayan1
Corresponding Author
1Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala
Manu M John, 2 Jaimon Cletus2
2Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Adoor, Kerala
In the case of low flow rate applications like drug delivery systems, cooling of tiny electrical elements require special pump which provide very low flow rate. Piezoelectric single chamber diffuser nozzle type valveless pump is an attractive device to be used as a micro pump for low flow rates. Here the pump converts the reciprocating motion of a diaphragm, activated by a piezoelectric disk, into a pumping action. Instead of conventional valves, which have moving parts, nozzle/diffuser elements that have a preferential flow direction are used to direct the flow from the inlet to the outlet. A mathematical model that can simulate the pump performance under given geometrical and operational conditions is essential for the optimal design of such pumps. The proposed course of work is about Numerical simulation of mathematical model of such a pump.For this purpose the feasibility of various software such as MATlab simulation and ANSYS/COMSOL are used.Index Terms:-
valve less pump, piezoelectric ,micropumpREFERENCES
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