Investigation of Stresses in Thin Rimmed Spur Gear Tooth using FEM
J. S. Kailuke
Volume 1: Issue 1, Jan 2014, pp 1-6
Author's Information
J. S. Kailuke1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.W.C.E.T., Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
In this paper results are presented from a two-dimensional finite element stress analysis of three tooth sector of spur gear and the boundary conditions are provided at the radial end of the teeth of the rim. The different diametric ratio from 1.02 to 2 is used to get the stress variation. In the analysis of this three tooth sector the Maximum Principle stresses and von mises stresses at the root and fillet are in consideration. The main objective of this paper is to find out the minimum thickness of spur gear for different diametric ratio Md using analytical results by Lewis equation and FE results. In this study the CATIA software used for the geometrical construction and stress analysis is accomplished by commercial finite element package MSC PATRAN and NASTRAN.Index Terms:-
Diametric ratio Md, Maximum Principle Stress analysis, Finite element method, Three tooth sector of spur gear.REFERENCES
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